Development of Skills and Competences in Manufacturing Towards Education 4.0: A Teaching Factory Approach

Industry 4.0 manufacturing paradigm, apart from the technological revolution requires also a shift from the traditional education to an advanced set of methods for developing skills and building digital competences, summarized in the term Education 4.0. Human skills undoubtedly require upgrading to handle the key enabling technologies sufficiently, including machines as cyber-physical systems, augmented reality, human-robot collaboration, and smart devices. In the present work, these new requirements for the enhanced manufacturing workflow are presented. Furthermore, existing education 4.0 approaches are investigated, and finally, a Teaching Factory concept adapted to the Industry 4.0 paradigm needs is proposed.

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  1. Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems and Automation, Department of Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics, University of Patras, Patras, Greece Dimitris Mourtzis
  1. Dimitris Mourtzis
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  1. Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA Jun Ni
  2. University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Laboratory for Production Metrology and TQM, Belgrade, Serbia Vidosav D. Majstorovic
  3. Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Texas, Austin, Texas, USA Dragan Djurdjanovic

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Mourtzis, D. (2018). Development of Skills and Competences in Manufacturing Towards Education 4.0: A Teaching Factory Approach. In: Ni, J., Majstorovic, V., Djurdjanovic, D. (eds) Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on the Industry 4.0 Model for Advanced Manufacturing. AMP 2018. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Cham.

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