Make worksheets for conversion of various measuring units – both customary and metric units. With the generator (below), you can choose to include inches, feet, yards, miles, ounces, cups, pints, quarts, gallons, ounces, pounds, millimeters, centimeters, meters, kilometers, grams, kilograms, liters, and milliliters. You can also make worksheets for the metric system: units with the prefixes milli, centi, deci, deka, hecto, and kilo.
The options are numerous: you can choose the number of problems, font size, space below the problems, the decimal separator (comma or point), the thousands separator, the number of decimal digits, difficulty level, and more.
We also offer MANY pre-made PDF worksheets (on separate pages):
Key to Measurement workbooks include a variety of hands-on experiences related to the customary units of measurement. Group projects are included in addition to numerous individual activities. In Book 1, students learn how a linear measurement system is developed and then do activities related to measuring length. Book 2 focuses on length, perimeter, and area measures. In Book 3, the concept of area is further developed, and students are introduced to volume. Book 4 covers a variety of topics. Students experiment with weighing objects and measuring capacity, and they also learn about temperature and time.