Considerations, strategies, and examples for school district liaisons, transportation coordinators, and others working to support students experiencing homelessness.
The McKinney-Vento Act provides educational protections for children and youth experiencing homelessness, including transportation requirements to provide school stability. The Act also requires local educational agencies (LEAs) to remove barriers to the identification and enrollment of students experiencing homelessness, including transportation barriers.
School districts and charter schools are finding innovative ways to ensure that students experiencing homelessness receive the transportation services to which they are entitled, and which are essential to their school enrollment, attendance, and success.
SchoolHouse Connection has compiled the following considerations, strategies, and examples for school district liaisons, transportation coordinators, and others working to support students experiencing homelessness. We continue to update this living document with additional strategies and examples that emerge from best practice and federal guidance.
Recorded June 4, 2022
The McKinney-Vento Act provides educational protections for children and youth experiencing homelessness, including transportation requirements to provide school stability. Yet access to transportation for students experiencing homelessness remains one of the biggest challenges that school districts and early learning programs face. Districts and programs are rising to meet current challenges by finding ways to remove transportation barriers with multiple funding sources and strategies. SchoolHouse Connection, along with school district liaisons, shared innovative transportation strategies, including the use of ARP-HCY funds, in this webinar.