Since 1994, Seattle's Comprehensive Plan has guided growth in Seattle with the goal of fostering a healthy and vibrant city for years to come.
Comprehensive Plan Amendments (2021)
Racial Equity Analysis (2021)
Adopted Comprehensive Plan (2020)
Comprehensive Plan Amendments (2020)
Comprehensive Plan (2019)
Adopted Comprehensive Plan (2018)
Equitable Development Implementation Plan
Equity Analysis
Seattle 2035
Seattle 2035 was the name given to the planning process that led to the 2016 major update.
Final Environmental Impact Statement
Draft Environmental Impact Statement
Updating Seattle's Comprehensive Plan Background Report
Development Capacity
Seattle Sustainable Neighborhoods Assessment Project (SSNAP)
Seattle 2035 Public Involvement
Seattle’s Comprehensive Plan must be consistent with the plan for the four-county region, Vision 2040, and with King County's Countywide Planning Policies.
Watch our Comp Plan 101 video, courtesy of the Seattle Channel.
Previous Comprehensive Plan
You may view the complete Comprehensive Plan (74 MB) or view the plan in sections:
You may also view just the pages replaced during the 2014-2015 amendment process: