This policy applies to all University faculty, staff and students.
External websites or services based on participant contributions to the content. Types of social media include blogs, micro blogs, social and professional networks, video or photo sharing, and social bookmarking. Examples of social media sites are YouTube, Facebook, Flickr, Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc.
A website directory located at It is a digital aggregator and record repository for Western’s official social media accounts.
Social media accounts listed in the directory that are sponsored by the University and officially represent the University, or a University division, college, unit or program.
University employees or student-employees who manage, monitor and maintain official social media accounts as a part of their job duties or as a means to accomplish their official University responsibilities.
Supervisors of academic and non-academic units, and others who have direct oversight responsibility for Account Administrators and official social media sites within their area.
Activities performed by a University employee, or authorized volunteer or student as directed by his or her Department Head, in order to accomplish University programs or as required by the duties of his or her employment.
All text, images, videos, audio, website hyperlinks and any other information published, posted and/or distributed through social media.
Western has a thriving social media community with a wide array of accounts representing various aspects of our University. Western uses social media to enhance its communication and engagement with students, faculty, staff, alumni and others to support the University’s strategic plan.
Western recognizes both academic freedom, as expressed in the Faculty Collective Bargaining Agreement and Faculty Handbook, and freedom of expression, as protected by the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States and Washington State Constitution, as it pertains to the use of social media.
Only official social media accounts can:
The Office of University Communications maintains a directory of the University’s official social media accounts at Employees who wish to establish new official social media accounts must:
Employees and student-employees may contact the Office of University Communications for assistance with official social media questions and access to additional training and reference resources.
Employee or student personal social media accounts are not considered official social media accounts. However, personal social media accounts that are used for official university business may have content that is subject to public records disclosure and retention requirements outlined in Section 6 of this policy.
Supervisors are responsible for supervising the activities of their employees and student-employees who are account administrators. Supervisors should communicate regularly with account administrators regarding social media content and correspondence.
Social media records prepared, owned, used, or retained on official social media accounts, and records created on other sites while conducting official university business, are subject to the State of Washington Public Records Act and may be disclosed under a public records request (RCW 42.56).
Account administrators of official social media accounts must ensure that the contents of an official social media site are properly archived and retained as part of the social media directory Specific social media content may trigger further retention requirements. University Archives and Records Management is available to assist administrators with content specific retention questions.
Faculty, staff and students (“users”) using social media are responsible for their posts and comments on any social media site, including official social media sites, personal social media sites and the sites of others.
The following non-exhaustive list of University policies, and federal and state regulations, apply to faculty, staff and students using official social media sites, and may apply to their use of personal social media sites and the sites of others, depending on the nature of such use:
Users may use the University’s Social Media Guidelines for additional reference.
Employer access to employee personal social media account is limited per RCW 49.44.200.