Sweden taking part in several international climate transition initiatives

At COP28 in Dubai, Sweden joined a number of international initiatives to speed up the climate transition in various ways. These include a declaration to triple global capacity of nuclear energy, and initiatives for carbon pricing and climate transition in industry.

At UN climate conferences, global climate results as a whole are highlighted. Many international initiatives have been launched, aiming to strengthen global climate efforts in various ways alongside the negotiations.

At COP28, Sweden chose to support some 20 initiatives and declarations that had a bearing on the negotiations and that reflect political priorities and have the potential to promote increased ambition in global climate action. These include the Declaration to Triple Nuclear Energy globally (which the United States, France and the United Kingdom support), the Climate Club initiative for climate transition in industry, the Global Carbon Pricing Challenge (a Canadian carbon pricing initiative), and the Global Renewables and Energy Efficiency Pledge (for renewable energy and boosting energy efficiency). See a complete list of links below.

Sweden is leading the Leadership Group for Industry Transition (LeadIT) together with India. A new vision and new focus areas, including enhanced cooperation between Sweden and India (LeadIT 2.0), were launched partly by Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson and India’s Prime Minister Narenda Modi during the high-level segment at COP28, and partly at LeadIT’s annual high-level meeting with Sweden’s and India’s climate and environment ministers Romina Pourmokhtari and Bhupander Yadav.

Sweden previously joined other initiatives that focus on phasing out fossil fuels, which was a key issue for negotiations at COP28. These include the Beyond Oil and Gas Alliance, the Powering Past Coal Alliance and the Energy Transition Council. Other initiatives in which Sweden is taking part and that were highlighted at COP28 are the Glasgow Breakthrough (a COP26 initiative to increase the use of green technologies in various high-emission sectors by 2030) and the First Movers Coalition (an initiative from COP26 to promote climate-smart technologies in high-emission sectors).

Ahead of COP28, Sweden also decided to increase support to climate adaptation in developing countries via two global climate funds, and to provide new funding to the UN.

In total, Sweden has joined some 80 initiatives and declarations to strengthen global climate efforts. The Government, government agencies or Swedish businesses can launch support to an initiative. This can involve providing political support, the exchange of knowledge and experience to scale up implementation of climate measures, or financial support.

Innovative efforts and business sector issues were also highlighted at COP28. Business Sweden’s business delegation comprised 23 companies, the biggest ever to represent Swedish innovations and solutions. In the Swedish pavilion, 65 sessions with over 200 speakers were held, as well as more than 100 bilateral meetings with clients, partners and decision-makers. Business Sweden is leading this year’s business delegation to COP28.

Initiatives at COP28

Sweden endorsed the following initiatives and declarations at COP28:


Declaration to Triple Nuclear Energy. The Declaration aims to highlight the role of nuclear energy in achieving the Paris Agreement goal of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius, and to promote responsible and safe nuclear energy. International cooperation to triple global capacity of nuclear energy - Government.se

Global Pledges on renewable energy and energy efficiency Global Renewables and Energy Efficiency Pledge

Statement from the G7+ and Government of Ukraine: Clean Energy Partnership for the Sustainable Recovery and Reconstruction of Ukraine's Energy System Clean Energy Partnership: G7+ and Ukraine joint statement - Government.se

Empowering Lives and Livelihoods – Renewables for Climate Action Empowering Lives and Livelihoods

Industrial transition

Climate Club: The Climate Club was launched at COP28 as a leading high-ambition intergovernmental forum for exchange on accelerating climate action and industry decarbonisation. The Climate Club, industry decarbonisation - The Climate Club

Food and agriculture

Declaration on Resilient Food Systems, Sustainable Agriculture
Initiative by UAE. Declaration on Resilient Food Systems, Sustainable Agriculture

Peace and security

Declaration on Climate, Relief, Recovery and Peace. Initiative by UAE. Declaration on Climate, Relief, Recovery and Peace

Gettting Ahead of Disasters: a Charter for a Better Future
Initiative by REAP (Risk-informed Early Action Partnership (REAP). Getting Ahead Of Disasters

Health, education and gender equality

Declaration on Climate and Health. Initiative by UAE.
Health Declaration 2 Dec

Declaration on the Common Agenda for Education and Climate Change. Declaration on the common agenda for education and climate change

Gender-Responsive Just Transition & Climate Action Partnership
Initiative by UAE. Gender Responsive Just Transitions & Climate Action Partnership


A letter of intent between the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) and the Inter-American Development Bank concerning loan guarantees to enable seven countries in the Amazon region to borrow for sustainable investments. Svensk miljardgaranti för att rädda Amazonas | Sida

Transition of financial flows and climate finance

The Global Carbon Pricing Challenge (GCPC). Initiative by Canada. The Global Carbon Pricing Challenge - Canada.ca

Financing of emission reduction projects totalling USD 60 million in two new climate cooperation initiatives with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Asian Development Bank. The Swedish Energy Agency invests USD 60 million in new climate cooperations

Pilot cooperation with Switzerland in trade with negative emissions: Sweden and Switzerland are taking the first steps towards building up an international market for negative emissions. Sweden and Switzerland pave the way for international trade with carbon removals

Early Warnings for All: Sweden is providing SEK 60 million to the UN initiative. Early Warnings for All | United Nations

The Adaptation Fund: Sweden is providing a total of SEK 230 million. AF | Adaptation Fund (adaptation-fund.org)

The Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF): Sweden is providing SEK 230 million. Least Developed Countries Fund - LDCF

Previous initiatives

Sweden previously joined a number of initiatives that also carried out activities at COP28, including:

LeadIT Leadership Group for Industry Transition LeadIT

Beyond Oil and Gas Alliance (BOGA), Beyond Oil & Gas Alliance

Friends of Fossil Fuel Subsidy Reform (FFFSR), Friends of Fossil Fuel Subsidy Reform

Breakthrough Agenda. It was launched at COP26 to help the world close the “collaboration gap” and accelerate international action on climate change to meet the Paris Agreement’s global decarbonisation targets. Breakthrough Agenda

First Movers Coalition (FMC), (World Economic Forum) First Movers Coalition

Coalition of Finance Ministers for Climate Action Coalition of Finance Ministers

High Ambition Coalition (HAC) High Ambition Coalition