Convert pdf to blob online
This PDF to Base64 online encoder tool allows you to quickly and easily encode PDFs in Base64-encoded format. The encoding process is very fast, once the PDF has been encoded, you can view or download the resulting Base64 data. If you need the reverse process, check the Base64 to PDF online tool.
How to encode PDF to Base64
- Upload the PDF file you want to be encoded.
- The result will appear below the form. If the encoded PDF is larger than 100Kb, you will get only download link.
- Note: Download links are expiring after few minutes. Make sure you download the encoded pdf asap.
Allowed PDF mime types
Only PDFs with the following formats (mime types) can be encoded using this Base64 PDF Encoder tool:
- application/pdf
- application/x-pdf
More tools
Base64 Encode functions
- PHP base64_encode()
- Python base64.b64encode()
- Perl encode_base64()
- VB System.Convert.ToBase64String()
- C# System.Convert.ToBase64String()
- Java encode()
- Golang EncodeToString()
- Ruby Base64.encode64()
- MySQL to_base64()
- Dojo dojox.encoding.base64.encode()
- PostgreSQL encode()
- Linux base64 encode
- JavaScript btoa
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